About Paul deArmond

Paul de Armond was a writer, reporter and research analyst. He is the recipient of the Whatcom Human Rights Task Force 2001 Human Rights Award. In the 1990s, he and Jay Taber established the Public Good Project, a research and activism network which hogged a lot of bandwidth on NWCitizen. Paul has written about various topics including the property rights movement, domestic terrorism, internet fraud schemes, and the WTO protests. In 1995, he was the first source quoted in world media correctly identifying the Oklahoma City bombing as domestic terrorism. His report on the 1999 WTO protests was published by RAND. His work appears in the footnotes and acknowledgments of a lot of books written by other people. Now he’s just irascible and opinionated. He wishes he could retire. -- Paul died in April 2013. The annual local journalism award is named in his honor.

By: Paul deArmond (19)

Honky Tonk Friday at Marlins’ Cafe

Hoss Unplugged, November 30 will Honk the York Neighborhood’s Tonk

Hoss Unplugged, November 30 will Honk the York Neighborhood’s Tonk

• Topics: Bellingham, Business, Leisure, People,

Marlins Cafe (co-located with the Historic Nelson's Market - a stationary float in life's parade) is now serving Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.  New menu selections by Chef Tommy.

To kick off the transformation, this Friday will be Honky Tonk Night with Hoss Unplugged tonking and honking from 7 to 9 p.m.

Be there at the corner of Humboldt and Potter, one block north of Lakeway.

About Paul deArmond

Closed Account • Member since May 29, 2009

Paul de Armond was a writer, reporter and research analyst. He is the recipient of the Whatcom Human Rights Task Force 2001 Human Rights Award. In the 1990s, he and Jay [...]

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Honky Tonk Friday at Marlins’ Cafe

By Paul deArmondOn Nov 29, 2012

Hoss Unplugged, November 30 will Honk the York Neighborhood’s Tonk

Stealth Politics Returns

By Paul deArmondOn Nov 04, 2012

The Whatcom county Voters’ Pamphlet containing misleading and untrue statements by unregistered, unaccountable and anonymous front groups.

3 comments, most recent 12 years ago

Marian Beddill at Village Books Tonight 7pm

By Paul deArmondOn Sep 04, 2012

Marian Beddill will be reading from and signing copies of her recent autobiography. Expect thrills, danger, lust and adventure.

2 comments, most recent 12 years ago

Port attempts to kill initiative for two new seats

By Paul deArmondOn Jun 17, 2012

Port Commissioner Scott Walker and attorney Frank Chmelik get caught ballot-rigging again

20 comments, most recent 12 years ago

Is liquor an efficient market?

By Paul deArmondOn Jun 10, 2012

Efficient markets use available information to adjust prices. But consumers don’t have all the information. Here’s help.

3 comments, most recent 12 years ago

Port attempts to kill initiative for two new seats

By Paul deArmondOn Jan 31, 2012

Port Commissioner Scott Walker and attorney Frank Chmelik get caught ballot-rigging again

Watch out for basement flooding

By Paul deArmondOn Jan 19, 2012

Stormwater surge may back up sewers

5 comments, most recent 13 years ago

Cameras, not coal, decided the election

By Paul deArmondOn Nov 19, 2011

Looking at the numbers for the Bellingham elections

11 comments, most recent 13 years ago

Post Election Musings

By Paul deArmondOn Nov 10, 2011

A disorderly collection of random thoughts after the election

2 comments, most recent 13 years ago

Gateway Telephone Poll

By Paul deArmondOn Aug 03, 2011

SSA running push poll on Gateway Terminal?

4 comments, most recent 13 years ago

County Exec Fundraising Confounds Pundit Perceptions

By Paul deArmondOn Jul 19, 2011

Local political junkies guess the primary winners and may be missing the boat

3 comments, most recent 13 years ago

News you can use: Burgers and Beer

By Paul deArmondOn May 23, 2011

Where Paul touches on Police reporting, where to get a good hamburger, and what is wrong with micro brews

4 comments, most recent 13 years ago

Yellow Light Timing

By Paul deArmondOn Dec 31, 2010

Yellow lights in Bellingham are observed and commented on, as Bellingham prepares for red light cameras.

4 comments, most recent 14 years ago

Marginal Voters and the Big Tent

By Paul deArmondOn Nov 24, 2010

While Democrats pursue a Centrist strategy trying to persuade the “marginal voter,” Republicans promote wedge issues under the rubric of the “Big Tent.”

14 comments, most recent 14 years ago


By Paul deArmondOn Nov 05, 2010

What went wrong in the mid-term election, why, and what we can expect now.

3 comments, most recent 14 years ago

Political Realignment - Part II

By Paul deArmondOn Dec 06, 2009

(Recap for the reader in a hurry: a previous post defined realignment as a power shift in a two party system whereby a new and

17 comments, most recent 15 years ago

The Radical Center and the Outer Limits

By Paul deArmondOn Nov 20, 2009

Did you every wonder what was really going on inside the racist right?

Usually caricatured by stereotypes of bed-sheeted Klansmen and goose-stepping neo-Nazis, the racist right continu

8 comments, most recent 15 years ago

Political Realignment - Part 1

By Paul deArmondOn Nov 09, 2009

American politics and its two-party system is not a static system.

The ebb and flow of political power proceeds in fits and starts with long periods of relative stasis and brief periods

8 comments, most recent 15 years ago

City Hall improved, friendlier Permit Center

By Paul deArmondOn Nov 16, 2008

This is a guest article. It is a tale of trying to simply update the heating system in a duplex home. We post this because we continue to hear Alice In Wonderland stories of dealing with city hall -

2 comments, most recent 16 years ago