Articles by g.h.kirsch
Shocking Revelation: President Impotent
Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, asks, “What do you suppose it is like to be elected president of the United States only to find that [...]
Coming Up - The Weather
Events have forced those who earlier warned of global warming to modulate their hysteria and instead ring the alarm for catastrophic “climate change” instead. Why the nuance? If [...]
Recent comments
"Though it was long ago, I still remember Hugh Fleetwood leading the opposition to Syre’s mall project, Bellis Fair, in a protected wetlands. I hope Seth does too.
Mayor Is Asked To Preserve Trail"Hooray for Seth. He would bring with him a long history of civic contribution that he’s carried on from an old and noble Bellingham family.
Primary Election 2019 - Results and Comments"Thank you for the link, but please understand, I’m conversant with most of the issues regarding the separations of power . Though the legislature is empowered to create legislation, the [...]
Updatd: County Council May Try End Run on State Legislature"Our gentle editor invites us to “be the judge .” He suggests Mr. Hirst and Ms. Britt are both right. Now that would be an unusual conclusion for a [...]
Updatd: County Council May Try End Run on State Legislature"The statement from the Center for Environmental Law and Policy clearly lays out how flawed this action is. This is another sop to the development industry by a legislature forever [...]
Gov Inslee Signs Rural Water Fix Legislation