Sandy Robson

Citizen Journalist • Birch Bay • Member since Feb 27, 2014

Sandy Robson is a professional worker who lives in Whatcom County and is concerned about our environment. She has been a leader in opposing by writing articles about the proposed Cherry Point coal shipping port.

Sandy Robson online:

Reliable Prosperity

By Sandy RobsonOn Aug 14, 2014

Sandra Robson guest writes this article. She has researched and written about the problems with a coal port at Cherry Point for over a year, with 4 articles in the Whatcom [...]

Manifest Clandestine-y

By Sandy RobsonOn Jul 07, 2014

Guest writer Sandy Robson submitted this article, which includes some fine research. When Wyoming’s governor, Matt Mead, visited Longview, Washington, on June 3 to advocate for the proposed Millennium Bulk [...]

Sins of Omission

By Sandy RobsonOn Jun 27, 2014

Sandy Robson guest writes this article. This is her third article on NWCitizen. In February 2014, I was accused of libel. Craig Cole, the local consultant on the Gateway Pacific Terminal ([...]

See more by Sandy Robson

Recent comments

"When I hear some Prop 9 opponents say they don’t think Prop 9 should be on this Nov. ballot, and that there is plenty of time before the next County Council [...]

Nov 03, 2015 on
More on Propositions 1 and 9

"I don’t have the energy at this moment to comment in detail as I had planned to do about John Servais’ selection of Gary Jensen for Port and Kathy [...]

Nov 02, 2015 on
NWCitizen Publisher's Voting Choices

"John S: I just want to clarify some things in terms of your article above. 1) When you wrote, “If the comments by Dave and Sandy are any indication, I find [...]

Nov 01, 2015 on
More on Propositions 1 and 9

"I respect John Servais and his NWCitizen website as a valuable source for information. He has the right to his opinion and to publish his opinion. That being said, I [...]

Oct 31, 2015 on
NWCitizen Publisher's Voting Choices

" Another example of sub-par performance of The Bellingham Herald would be when important context from Charter Commissioner Chet Dow’s email quote was omitted, in an Oct. 14 Herald article. The [...]

Oct 27, 2015 on
Dwindling Information Makes Voters Susceptible to Spin