Luba Pekisheva
Citizen Journalist • Kendall • Member since Jul 19, 2013
Luba is a County resident. Among other things, she draws from several years of experiencing, and standing up to, abuses and absurdities found in the judicial branch of government.
By Luba Pekisheva • On May 22, 2017
Ahead of the May 7, 2016 Trump rally in Lynden, the Whatcom 3, Neah Monteiro, Josefina Mora, and Thomas Kaplan, were arrested for forming an anti-Trump blockade on Meridian St that had blocked [...]
By Luba Pekisheva • On Apr 11, 2017
On April 6, 2017, District Court Judge David Grant permitted Attorney Larry Hildes to subpoena records of Doug Ericksen’s contacts with the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office, Washington State Patrol and [...]
"Bob, what the young man’s name, so I can research his case when I can? The County does learn, but not enough to stop their dirty business-as-usual. Only a [...]
Jul 09, 2015 on
County prosecutor plays cruel games