"One further comment on Conoboy’s article: Read today’s online addition of Jane Mayer’s article in the New Yorker, detailing Hegseth’s sordid track record of managerial incompetence, [...]
Gabbard and Hegseth. Why Are They Not Profoundly Ashamed?Recent comments
"Thanks to Dick Conoboy for asking the “Duh!” obvious question, why are manifestly unqualified candidates for cabinet jobs not mortified with shame? Many commentators have lambasted Hegseth and Gabbard as [...]
Gabbard and Hegseth. Why Are They Not Profoundly Ashamed?"At present, our federal and state consitutions, as well as our county charter, dictate that elections, unless explicity stated otherwise in advance of ballots’ being cast, are simple-majoritarian. I personally [...]
Did Proposition 5 "Cure" Its Way to a Win?"The “forum” was a de facto campaign event for young Mr. Sefzik. It was imprudent and improper for the public figures involved (Elfo, Richey, and Mertzig foremost among them) to [...]
Sefzik Public Safety Forum - Anecdotes "Я" Us"Nice article Dick, thank you for writing it. Justice Scalia fancied himself as an “originalist”, and this is also a conceit of his surviving right-wing colleagues. But given the chance [...]
The Constitution. The Second Amendment. And blah, blah, blah, blah...