Topic: Greenspaces (64)

Memorial Event for Wendy Harris

Wendy was an intrepid voice for the environment and the humane treatment of animals. May her memory be for a blessing.

Wendy was an intrepid voice for the environment and the humane treatment of animals. May her memory be for a blessing.

There will be a memorial event for Wendy Harris, formerly a Citizen Journalist for NW Citizen, Sunday, October 29th from 2pm to 5pm at the upper pavilion of Fairhaven Park.  Bring a memory of Wendy to share with those attending.  

About Dick Conoboy

Citizen Journalist and Editor • Member since Jan 26, 2008

Comments by Readers

Dianne Foster

Oct 19, 2023

Thank-you Dick;   I did see quite a few RSVP’s on the Facebook invitation,  but it said from 12-5,   which I thought was a little long….   so glad someone is doing something,  as I’ve been disappointed to see no obituary in either the Herald or the Daily,  (other than an article, but no obit).    She needs to be honored and recognized in this community.


Dick Conoboy

Oct 21, 2023


The memorial is 2pm to 5pm.


Atul Deshmane

Oct 31, 2023

Here is a comment from a friend that I’d like to paste here.

“Wendy was fiercely independent, outspoken, brilliant, funny, engaging,
irascible and fearless.  She embodied the traits and skills one would
find in a truly effective leader.  Wendy had a true compassion for
animals and, by extension, all living things and the preservation of the
natural enviroment.
The lesser among us give lip service to these lofty ambitions, but Wendy
was able to effectively channel her fierce commitment and passion in a
manner that made County decision makers take notice.  And ignore her at
their peril.
 Wendy could analyze, interpret and challenge the minutiae of a complex
Environmental Impact Statement or Planning Department Land Use proposal
more quickly and effectively than any citizen advocate I hav ever worked
with.  And she did so regularly throughout her 20 year career as a
citizen journalist.  In retrospect, her positions, particularly those
relating to water quality and land use, were correct and will be
remembered as her legacy.  Her brilliant mind, Stanford law degree and
an unbridled passion for environmental advocacy and animal welfare made
her a force to be reckoned with in her presentations to County
government.  That voice is now silent”.
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Memorial Event for Wendy Harris

By Dick ConoboyOn Oct 19, 2023

Wendy was an intrepid voice for the environment and the humane treatment of animals. May her memory be for a blessing.

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